
Are Weight Loss Pills Best For Weight Loss?

Women Taking Weight Loss Pill

In this article, we will discuss some facts about weight loss pills so you can make a decision whether you take those pills or not? Before you make a decision look at the facts:

Who is benefited from the pills?

Not everyone is benefited from the pills, some conditions are applied. If you are overweight and think weight loss pills will reduce your weight so maybe you are wrong.

If your BMI is more than 30 or it is between 27 and 30 and have any other health issues such as diabetes, blood pressure then you can be benefited from the pills.

If you are just overweight but don’t have any other diseases then you are not benefit and may also face so many health problems like constipation, and hypertension.

Is there any need for workouts?

Most of us take pills to get relief from exercise. But exercise not only helps us to lose weight but also gives us a healthy and fit body.

So if you do some exercises such as pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups, skipping, and running along with the pills you get a fit body and the chances of side effects decrease. So before taking the pills consult with your doctor and do some exercises.

Prescribed Vs Non-Prescribed Pills:

Non prescribed medicines are not tested in labs and it also contains hydroxyl which indicates a fast loss of weight but in a different way which have so many side effects.

When you take a prescribed medicine with a proper diet and regular exercises can lose more than 5-9% of starting body weight. Some people also lose 10% more than their starting body.


Weight loss pills are not magic pills that lose your weight in a day without maintaining any rules such as diet and exercises. So if you take it in a proper way, you only get the results when you follow the instructions.

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