Life Skills

How To Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests

Student Preparing Numerical Reasoning

To apply for a role at a blue-chip, what are the things you must know? The chances are that you must be good with numbers. You’ll likely be working with data so you’ll need to know how to interpret and analyse it.

For this reason, numerical reasoning tests are so popular with blue-chip companies across the globe. Numerical reasoning is a ubiquitous skill that employers just can’t get enough of.

So how do you demonstrate your numerical reasoning ability? We’ve outlined some key steps which will help you make the most of whatever innate numerical ability you have and make you shine in your numerical reasoning tests.

1. Practice Numerical Tests

It’s important to practice numerical tests to get an understanding of your strengths and your weaknesses. Then you can work on your weaknesses and increase your overall scores. If you can, take practice tests under timed conditions so you can get a good understanding of what the real tests will be like.

2. Read All Questions Carefully

It sounds obvious, but you should read the questions carefully as they can be misleading. They are packed full of complex data and potentially include sophisticated concepts so break the question down to make it simpler to understand and easier to answer.

3. Eliminate Extreme Answers

As the answers are multiple-choice, take a good look at them and rule out any that are clearly wrong. You might find they’re all plausible and if that’s the case, hard luck.

However, often there are one or two which are extreme and almost certainly not correct. By identifying these, you can very easily boost your scores.

Prepare yourself for any upcoming SHL assessment by taking Prepterminal’s free SHL practise test and comprehensive SHL test course.

4. Manage The Time

You have a limited amount of time as employers want to see how you work under time pressure. Typically, you’ll have 20 minutes but be sure to find out so you know exactly how long you’ve got.

Note the number of questions too, so you can calculate the amount of time you have per question and pace yourself accordingly.

5. Use Your Own Calculator

Calculators aren’t always allowed. But you’ll be told either way, so it’s better to have one just in case. Make sure you use your own if you can as you’ll be more familiar with it.

This will just help you shave off some precious seconds by using something you know, rather than something you don’t. And believe me, you don’t want to waste minutes trying to figure out how to use someone else’s, scientific calculator!

So these are just a few steps to help you improve your scores. Hope you like the article. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comment section.

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